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Tuesday, December 05, 2023

How does owning a home in the Self-Sustainable city makes you free?

How does owning a home in the Self-Sustainable city makes you free?

Discover the freedom of owning a home in the Self-Sustainable City – from food and energy independence to financial and environmental autonomy. Experience a lifestyle that fosters self-reliance and a deep connection with nature.

Owning a home in the self-sustainable city can provide a sense of freedom in various ways:

Food Independence: Growing your own food allows you to be less reliant on external sources for your daily sustenance. You can cultivate a variety of fruits, vegetables, and even raise animals for meat, eggs, and dairy. This reduces your dependence on grocery stores and the industrial food system.

Energy Independence: Implementing renewable energy sources such as solar panels, wind turbines, or hydroelectric systems can provide you with a reliable and sustainable source of energy. This independence from the grid can make you less vulnerable to power outages or fluctuations in energy prices.

Financial Independence: Producing your own food and energy can significantly lower your living expenses. While the initial investment in sustainable systems may be high, the long-term savings can contribute to financial freedom. Additionally, you may have the opportunity to generate income by selling surplus produce or energy back to the grid.

Environmental Independence: Living on a self-sustainable farm often involves adopting eco-friendly practices. You can implement recycling, composting, and water conservation methods, reducing your environmental impact. This sense of environmental responsibility can contribute to a feeling of freedom from contributing to environmental degradation.

Self-Reliance: Managing a self-sustainable farmhouse requires a certain level of self-sufficiency. Learning to grow your own food, maintain renewable energy systems, and handle various aspects of farm life fosters a sense of self-reliance. This knowledge and skill set can be empowering and liberating.

Escape from Urban Stress: Many people find a sense of freedom and peace in the countryside away from the hustle and bustle of urban life. A self-sustainable farmhouse provides an opportunity to live in a more tranquil environment, surrounded by nature.

Reduced Dependency on External Systems: Owning a self-sustainable farmhouse can reduce your dependence on external systems and services. You become less vulnerable to disruptions in the supply chain, economic downturns, or other external factors that can impact urban living.

In embracing the self-sustainable lifestyle, you embark on a journey that not only offers unparalleled freedom but also fosters a deep connection with nature. The joy of harvesting your own fresh produce, harnessing renewable energy, and embracing eco-friendly practices becomes a fulfilling and empowering experience. It's a lifestyle that encourages self-reliance, financial prudence, and a harmonious coexistence with the environment. As you immerse yourself in the tranquility of the countryside, the self-sustainable farmhouse becomes more than just a home; it becomes a sanctuary where the possibilities for growth, well-being, and freedom are as boundless as the fields that surround it.

What does a Self-Sustainable City mean?

What does a Self-Sustainable City mean?

Understand the essence of self-sustainable cities – urban environments striving for economic, environmental, and social independence. From promoting local economies to prioritizing environmental conservation and ensuring social well-being, explore the multifaceted aspects of self-sustainability.

Discover the core principles of self-sustainable cities – urban landscapes striving for autonomy in economic, environmental, and social realms. Explore how these cities foster local economies, prioritize eco-conscious practices, and enhance residents' well-being for a harmonious future.

A self-sustainable city is a type of urban environment designed and developed with the goal of meeting its own needs without excessively relying on external resources. The concept involves creating cities that can function independently and sustainably, economically, socially, and environmentally. Here are key aspects of what a self-sustainable city entails:

Economic Sustainability: A self-sustainable city aims to support its own economy by fostering local businesses, industries, and job opportunities. This reduces dependence on external economic forces and enhances resilience to economic fluctuations.

Environmental Sustainability: The city focuses on minimizing its environmental impact. This includes promoting renewable energy sources, efficient waste management, green building practices, and sustainable transportation options to reduce carbon footprint and preserve natural resources.

Social Sustainability: Social sustainability involves creating a city that prioritizes the well-being of its residents. This includes access to education, healthcare, affordable housing, cultural amenities, and social services. Socially sustainable cities often promote inclusivity, diversity, and community engagement.

Resource Efficiency: Self-sustainable cities aim to use resources efficiently, minimizing waste and optimizing resource consumption. This can include sustainable water management, energy conservation, and responsible land use planning.

Resilience: A self-sustainable city is designed to be resilient to various challenges, including economic downturns, environmental changes, and social disruptions. This resilience is achieved through diversified economic activities, robust infrastructure, and community support systems.

Local Food Production: To enhance food security and reduce dependence on long supply chains, self-sustainable cities may promote local and urban agriculture, community gardens, and sustainable food practices.

Innovation and Technology: Self-sustainable cities often leverage innovation and technology to improve efficiency, monitor resource usage, and enhance the overall quality of life for residents.

The concept of a self-sustainable city aligns with broader sustainability goals, aiming to create urban environments that are not only economically prosperous but also environmentally friendly and socially equitable, ensuring a high quality of life for current and future generations.

What is a Self-Sustainable City Developer?

What is a Self-Sustainable City Developer?

Explore the responsibilities of a self-sustainable city developer, envisioning and crafting urban spaces that prioritize sustainability. From renewable energy integration to efficient water management, these developers play a crucial role in creating eco-friendly, resilient cities for the future. Meet Ramakrishna Surtahu, the visionary founder and developer of a self-sustainable city in India, driving positive change through sustainable urban development.

The term "Self-Sustainable City Developer" typically refers to entities or individuals involved in the planning, design, and construction of cities with a focus on sustainability and self-sufficiency. These developers aim to create urban environments that minimize their impact on the environment, promote resilience, and efficiently use resources.

Key features of self-sustainable cities may include:

Renewable Energy: Integration of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, or geothermal to meet the energy needs of the city.

Green Infrastructure: Incorporation of green spaces, parks, and sustainable landscaping to enhance biodiversity and provide recreational areas.

Efficient Transportation: Development of public transportation systems, pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, and the promotion of cycling to reduce dependence on private vehicles and lower carbon emissions.

Water Management: Implementation of sustainable water management practices, including rainwater harvesting, water recycling, and efficient water use to address scarcity and reduce pollution.

Waste Management: Implementation of advanced waste management techniques such as recycling, composting, and waste-to-energy systems to minimize landfill waste.

Smart Technology: Integration of smart technologies for efficient resource use, including smart grids, energy-efficient buildings, and advanced infrastructure monitoring systems.

Local Food Production: Promotion of local agriculture and food production to reduce the carbon footprint associated with food transportation and enhance food security.

Resilience to Climate Change: Designing infrastructure and buildings to withstand the impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels.

Community Engagement: Involving local communities in the planning and decision-making processes to ensure that the city meets the needs and preferences of its residents.

Self-sustainable city developers may work closely with urban planners, architects, environmental engineers, and other professionals to create holistic and integrated solutions. The ultimate goal is to build cities that are environmentally responsible, economically viable, and provide a high quality of life for their residents. The concept aligns with the broader global movement toward sustainable development and the creation of resilient, low-impact urban environments.

Ramakrishna Surtahu (Founder & Developer of the Self-Sustainable City, India)

email: selfsustainablecity@gmail.com

What does self-sustainable home mean?

What does self-sustainable home mean?

Discover the concept of self-sustainable homes – residences designed for independence from external resources. From generating renewable energy to managing water and producing food on-site, these homes embody eco-friendly living. Explore the key features, including energy independence, water management, food production, waste reduction, sustainable materials, and resilience. Embrace a lifestyle that minimizes environmental impact and promotes self-reliance. Learn more about the principles of self-sustainability in housing for a greener future.

A self-sustainable home, often referred to as a self-sustaining or self-sufficient home, is a type of residence designed to operate independently without relying on external sources for essential resources. The goal of such a home is to minimize its environmental impact and reduce its dependence on external infrastructure, such as electricity, water, and food supply systems. Here are some key aspects of a self-sustainable home:

Energy Independence: Self-sustainable homes typically generate their own energy, often through renewable sources like solar panels, wind turbines, or even small-scale hydroelectric systems. This allows the home to power its lighting, heating, and appliances without being connected to the grid.

Water Management: These homes often incorporate rainwater harvesting and water purification systems, allowing residents to collect and treat rainwater for drinking, irrigation, and other household needs. Wastewater may also be treated on-site, reducing the need for a connection to municipal sewage systems.

Food Production: Self-sustainable homes often include gardens, greenhouses, and animal husbandry practices to produce a significant portion of their own food. This can include vegetables, fruits, grains, and livestock, reducing the reliance on commercial food sources.

Waste Reduction: These homes aim to minimize waste and promote recycling and composting. Composting organic waste and reusing materials can help reduce the need for external waste disposal services.

Sustainable Building Materials: The construction of self-sustainable homes may prioritize the use of eco-friendly and locally sourced building materials to reduce the environmental impact of the structure.

Off-Grid Living: Many self-sustainable homes are designed to be "off-grid," meaning they are not connected to public utilities for water, electricity, or sewage. They rely on self-contained systems for these services.

Resilience: Self-sustainable homes are often built with resilience in mind, aiming to withstand disruptions like power outages, water shortages, or other emergencies more effectively than traditional homes.

It's important to note that the degree of self-sufficiency can vary, with some homes achieving complete independence from external resources, while others may still maintain limited connections to the grid for backup purposes. Self-sustainable homes are a manifestation of sustainable living practices and can help reduce a household's ecological footprint and promote a more self-reliant lifestyle.

How many multiples of government rate is the market rate of agriculture lands in India?

How many multiples of government rate is the market rate of agriculture lands in India?

The market value of agricultural lands in India can vary significantly depending on factors such as location, soil quality, infrastructure development, and demand. In many cases, the market value of agricultural land can be several times higher than the government-assessed or circle rate value.

The government-assessed or circle rate value is the minimum value at which a property can be registered during a sale transaction, and it is typically lower than the market value. The difference between the market value and the circle rate value can vary widely from one location to another. In some areas with high demand and development, the market value can be several times higher than the government value.

It's important to note that there is no fixed multiple or ratio that applies uniformly to all agricultural lands in India. It varies from region to region and even within regions. Local market conditions, land use, and other factors play a significant role in determining the market value relative to the government value.

If you're interested in a specific location, it's best to consult with local real estate experts or property appraisers to get a more accurate understanding of the market value compared to the government-assessed value for agricultural lands in that area.

The multiple of the circle rate to the market rate of agricultural lands in India can vary widely based on several factors. There are no fixed or standard multiples that can be applied uniformly across the country, as it depends on local market conditions, demand, and other specific factors. However, here are some approximate guidelines:

In rural or less developed areas, the market rate may be closer to the circle rate or just slightly above it. In such areas, the multiple might be around 1 to 1.5 times the circle rate.

In peri-urban or semi-developed areas, the multiple can be higher, ranging from 1.5 to 3 times the circle rate. These areas are often on the outskirts of cities and may be experiencing increased demand due to urbanization.

In urban and highly developed areas, the multiple can be significantly higher. It's not uncommon for the market rate to be 3 to 5 times or even more than the circle rate. These areas tend to have high demand and are subject to speculation and development.

In prime agricultural lands located in regions with booming real estate markets, the multiple can be even more substantial, sometimes reaching 5 to 10 times or even higher in rare cases.

Again, these are approximate guidelines, and the actual multiples can vary widely from one location to another. If you are interested in a specific area, it's advisable to consult with local real estate experts or property appraisers who have a good understanding of the local market conditions to get a more accurate estimate of the market rate in comparison to the circle rate.

Unlocking a Better Future: The Magic of Self-Sustainable Living in Your Dream City

 Unlocking a Better Future: The Magic of Self-Sustainable Living in Your Dream City

Explore the magic of self-sustainable living in cities and do-nothing farms. Discover the perks of living in a self-sustainable city, from eco-friendly houses to smart technologies and community care. Learn about do-nothing farms that grow food effortlessly. Dive into a world of education, job opportunities, and urban luxuries. Experience the joy of stress-free living, healthy food, and community support. Invest in a lifestyle that's good for you and the planet. It's a win-win for a better and sustainable future.

Unlocking a Better Future: The Magic of Self-Sustainable Living in Your Dream City

In a world buzzing with challenges, self-sustainable cities and farms come as a breath of fresh air, offering a smart way to tackle our problems. Let's dive into what these self-sustainable cities and do-nothing farms are all about and how they can make life simpler, healthier, and more secure.

What are Self-Sustainable Cities?

Imagine a city that takes care of itself, like a well-oiled machine. That's a self-sustainable city. It's a place where the environment is a priority, where energy comes from things like the sun and the wind, and where waste is turned into something useful. These cities want you to not just live there but thrive, surrounded by green spaces, smart technologies, and a community that cares.

Meet the Do-Nothing Farms and Farmhouses:

Now, let's talk about do-nothing farms and the cozy houses that come with them. These farms are like magic gardens that grow food on their own. No constant hard work needed. The farmhouses? They're not just homes; they're smart, eco-friendly shelters that blend in with the surroundings.

Why Does It Matter?

Living in a self-sustainable city has some fantastic perks, and it's not just about farms and houses. Imagine a city that offers you:

Learn as You Live: Education is built into the community, so you keep learning even as you enjoy life.

Jobs for All: Smart tech helps create jobs, reducing unemployment and making life more interesting.

AI-Friendly Living: Embracing technology, like smart farming gadgets, opens up new job opportunities and keeps things buzzing.

City Amenities at Your Fingertips: Without sacrificing any urban luxuries, your self-sustainable city provides:

Schools for the bright minds

Hospitals for health emergencies

Shopping malls for retail therapy

Cinema theaters for movie nights

Restaurants for diverse culinary experiences

Cafes and coffee shops for your daily dose of caffeine

Night clubs for those who love to dance

Swimming pools for a refreshing dip

Gyms for the fitness enthusiasts

Yoga studios for mindful workouts

Parks for leisurely strolls

Spas for ultimate relaxation

Chill Out, Stress Less: Green spaces and a slower lifestyle help you relax and say goodbye to stress.

Healthy Food, Happy You: Say goodbye to worries about the quality of your food. It's fresh, local, and organic.

Healthcare and Savings: Your community takes care of you with health plans and community savings. No need to worry about pensions and medicine.

Beating Inflation: By relying on local resources, you become more resilient to economic ups and downs.

Less Bureaucracy: Self-sustainable living means less red tape. Communities manage themselves, making life simpler.

In a nutshell, self-sustainable living isn't just a trend; it's a smart choice for a better life. It's about living in harmony with nature, with less stress, more community, and a future that's both secure and sustainable. So, why not invest in a lifestyle that's good for you and the planet? It's a win-win!

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